Thursday, October 31, 2013

Working with Recording Modes in UFT 11.5

RecordingIt is one of the feature of UFT 11.5/QTP where maximum applications automation starts with recording then after the script is enhanced with Object Repositories,Check points,Output Values,Parameterization,synchronization etc.So we can take it as initial step for automation.

Playback:We will record the application with one set of data and we will enhance the test as I explained above and Play/Run that script with multiple sets of data by using data/web we can execute same script for thousands of different data.

All the above terminolgies will come to know in coming tutorials as of now no issues you can proceed with reading this article.

Unified Functional testing 11.5 is the recording & play back tool,it is a functional testing tool to use retesting and regression testing supports the following list of recording modes.

1.Normal Recording Mode
2.Analog Recording Mode
3.Low Level Recording Mode
4.Insight Recording Mode

You can able to see the list of recording modes in UFT 11.5 from "Record" menu as below

1.Normal/Standard/General/Default Recording Mode:

              It is popularly known as default recording mode,It records the user mouse and keyboard actions
on Application under test with respect to objects and stores those objects in Object Repositorys and perform the operations on those objects.

Here while recording the application UFT generates VB script statements in TestPane and at the same time it adds corresponding objects to Object Repository.

Working with Normal Recording mode:

Navigation 1:

Launch UFT 11.5---->Select "Record" menu from menu bar---->click on "Record" option

Navigation 2:

Select "Record" option from Toolbar.

Navigation 3:

Use short cut key "F6"

we can find the above navigations as below

When we click on "Record" we will get below "Record and Run settings "window where we can select that we are going to record winodws /web application here it is mandatory one.

After selecting windows/web we need to specify that we are going to record for opened application/we can specify the path of the application.

Once it is done click on Apply and click on OK then recording will start.

Note: It is good to close all the unnecessary applications while recording.while recording is in progress don't perform any operations anywhere in the screen.

Recording a windows application Flight Reservation Login and Logout operations:
steps to follow:

1.Launch UFT 11.5.
2.Open Flight Reservation windows app from Start-->allprograms-->HP Software-->HP Unified Functional Testing-->Sample applications-->Flight GUI

2.Select "Record" from any of the above three ways "Windows Application" from "Record and Run settings" window.

you can select any one of the option and specify which application you want to record I am taking first option and then click on "Apply" next click on "OK".

Now recording will start

click on Flight reservation application give AgentName as "xxxxxxxxxx" Password as"mercury" click on OK
it will login into the Application then click on Filemenu--->Exit and then stop recording as shown below

Once you click on exit then click on stop recording.

You will get script generated in Test Pane for your actions.You can re-run it any number of times and enhance it we will look into them after few days.

find the below script for the same

Note: When you are playing the script make sure that the application on which you recorded is opened then only that script runs.

Note:  By default Recording means Normal recording only.
Script Description:

1.Dialog,WinEdit,WinButton,Window,WinMenu are keywords/class names
2. Login,AgentName,Password,OK,Flight Reservation,Menu are logical names.
3.Set,Set Secure,Activate,Click are methods to perform actions on the objects.
4. srinivas,password are values that are passing to application to validate the functionality.

Normal Recording Mode Disadvantages:
1.We can't record continuous mouse operations
Perform recording operation while providing a signature on ms-paint and play it you can find the issue.

2.Can't record if the respective addin is not present for an application technology.

2.Analog Recording Mode:

We overcome the above the limitations by using this recording mode.

It enables you to record exact mouse and keyboard operations as you perform the operations under recording.
Here UFT records and tracks each and every movement of the mouse and keyboard as you drag the mouse around the screen or the application window.


We cannot directly perform analog recording we can use analog recording in Normal recording

to be continued in next tutorials 

1 comment:

  1. i m not able to record flights app in windows 7 using uft 12 . But i m able to record other windows apps like calc.


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